A Quantitative Analysis of Mindfulness Practice as Self-Care for Social Workers in an Urban Setting





self-care, secondary traumatic stress, burnout, mindfulness, meditation


This study examines the relationship between mindfulness and secondary traumatic stress (STS) amongst licensed social workers in New York City. The research that was conducted was a quantitative analysis. Participants consisted of 154 social workers that were employed in a variety of agency based or private practice settings. Participants were asked to complete an electronic survey that included: (1) a questionnaire of professional characteristics and demographic information; (2) Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale - Revised (CAMS-R); (3) Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ); (3) Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale (STSS). The data was analyzed by the use of SPSS. The multivariate linear regression analyses revealed that higher level of mindfulness is related to an increase in job satisfaction (B=1.13, SE=.09, β=.73, p<.001) and lower STS for social workers (B=-.66, SE=.11, β=-.49, p<.001).

Author Biography

Matthew Thomas Diner, CUNY York College

Dr. Matthew Diner, PhD, LCSW is an Assistant Professor of Social Work in the School of Health Sciences and Professional Programs. He teaches clinical, policy and practice courses in the MSW program and provides supervision to MSW students at the Institute for Community Wellness (ICW). Dr. Diner's research centers on environmental social work and variables associated with self-care practices for mental health workers. He has presented his research at peer-reviewed conferences nationally and internationally. His current grant funded (PSC-CUNY) research focuses on empathy among social workers and allied health professions. Prior to joining CUNY York College, Dr. Diner was professionally trained in several evidence-based therapeutic modalities and worked as a psychotherapist and clinical supervisor. He received his MSW and doctorate at the Wurzweiler School of Social Work at Yeshiva University.


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