“COVID-19: Social Work Reflections on Challenges and Lessons”





Reflection, Covid-19, Experiences


The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a pandemic that has changed our lives drastically. In this reflection, we offer our experiences focusing on the disruptions and lessons from our lived experiences with hope that our shared vulnerability and collective experience that calls us to reflect more and offer compassion within ourselves, places of work, and our homes. We highlight the perspectives of a social work field liaison, a social work Ph.D. candidate, and a mother, as well as a practicing community liaison social worker.

Author Biography

Betty C. Tonui, Oakland University

Dr. Tonui’s research seeks to examine the multifaceted and interactive effects associated with migration and resettlement, social determinants of health, mental health service use and the associated barriers post-resettlement for refugees and immigrants both nationally and globally.


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Hossen, M. A. (2005) ‘Empowerment-Based Social Work Practice’, Indian Journal of Social Work, 66(2), pp.196-211.

Northwestern Medicine (2020) Health Benefits of Having a Routine. Available at:

https://www.nm.org/healthbeat/healthy-tips/health-benefits-of-having-a- routine#:~:text=Routines%20Can%20Be%20Fun&text=Some%20ways%20a%20routine %20can,negatively%20impact%20your%20overall%20health.

World Health Organization (2020) Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak. Available at: https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/mental-



