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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Instructions for Authors

Papers should be between 3,000 and 4,000 words maximum (including references) and submitted in word (not Pdf).  Papers should be typed on one side, Times Roman, 1.5 spaced.  Please indicate clearly the final word count for the whole of your article at the end of conclusion. All pages should be numbered.


Article format

[Article Title – Bold, first word and proper nouns cap only, ranged left, in italics, maximum 20 words]

‘Sowing the seeds of future knowledge generation’: A submission to the Beagle from an undergraduate researcher

Name of student (s):                          Programme:                   Year of Study:               Mentored by:

Abstract (Title in f12 bold, ranged left, same page - 250 words f11 ranged left, indented 1.8]

Key words [f12 bold, ranged left – 6 key words that indicate the focus of the article e.g. knowledge, research, economy, small business, marketing, employability

The remainder of the article (starting on a new page) should contain the following elements/headings in sequence:

Introduction (Title f12 bold, ranged left)

Literature review (Title f12 bold, ranged left)

Research methodology (Title f12 bold, ranged left)

Key findings (Title f12 bold, ranged left)

Discussion (Title f12 bold, ranged left)

Conclusion (Title f12 bold, ranged left)

References (Title f12 bold, ranged left, referring only to literature cited in the main text)


Referencing and Display


Indented - 1.3 hang




Table 1. Title initial cap only. (in bold, ranged left above table)





Figure 1. Caption initial cap only. (in bold, ranged left under figure)




f11 indented 1.8  maximum 50 words

Numbers and units


Numbers: spell out one to nine, then 10, 1000, 10,000



4 October 2005

in the twenty-first century

in the 1970s

In – text references


Single author: (Brown 2001)

Single author quotation (Brown 2001: 559)

Multiple authors: (Brown et al.)

Author repeat reference: Brown (2001) argues that...

The reference list


Surnames in alphabetical order

Books: Brown, P. and A. Hesketh. 2004. The Mismanagement of Talent. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Articles: Billet, S. 2009. Realising the educational worth of integrating work experiences in higher education. Studies in Higher Education 34: 827-843.



Multiple author  references:

Sechzer, J.A., S.M. Pfaffilin, F.L. Denmark, A. Griffin, and S.J. Blumenthal, eds. 1996. Women and mental health. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Multiple citations:


Wiens, J.A. 1983. Avian community ecology: An iconoclastic view. In Perspectives in ornithology, ed. A.H. Brush and G.A. Clark Jr., 355–403. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.



Internet references: Department for Business Innovation and Skills (DBIS). 2011. Putting Students at the heart of higher education. DBIS.







Beagle Abstract Submission document

The Beagle – Abstract Submission Template

Name of candidate (s):

Business School Department (SMS; MET; HROB; IBE; ACC & FIN):

Name of Submission Mentor:


Greenwich University email contact details:

Mobile No.

Course code (if using coursework)

Title of the paper (max 20 words)

Abstract (max 250 words):  Please include: the topic, the problematic, the research methodology, key findings. Please omit any reference to literature.


Keywords (6)

Literature References (Harvard style): (max 5)










Formatting papers

Instructions for Authors

Papers should be between 3,000 and 4,000 words maximum (including references) and submitted in word (not Pdf).  Papers should be typed on one side, Times Roman, 1.5 spaced.  Please indicate clearly the final word count for the whole of your article at the end of conclusion. All pages should be numbered.

Article format

[Article Title – Bold, first word and proper nouns cap only, ranged left, in italics, maximum 20 words]

‘Sowing the seeds of future knowledge generation’: A submission to the Beagle from an undergraduate researcher

Name of student (s):                          Programme:                   Year of Study:               Mentored by:

Abstract (Title in f12 bold, ranged left, same page - 250 words f11 ranged left, indented 1.8]

Key words [f12 bold, ranged left – 6 key words that indicate the focus of the article e.g. knowledge, research, economy, small business, marketing, employability

The remainder of the article (starting on a new page) should contain the following elements/headings in sequence:

Introduction (Title f12 bold, ranged left)

Literature review (Title f12 bold, ranged left)

Research methodology (Title f12 bold, ranged left)

Key findings (Title f12 bold, ranged left)

Discussion (Title f12 bold, ranged left)

Conclusion (Title f12 bold, ranged left)

References (Title f12 bold, ranged left, referring only to literature cited in the main text)

Referencing and Display


Indented - 1.3 hang



Table 1. Title initial cap only. (in bold, ranged left above table)



Figure 1. Caption initial cap only. (in bold, ranged left under figure)


f11 indented 1.8  maximum 50 words

Numbers and units

Numbers: spell out one to nine, then 10, 1000, 10,000


4 October 2005

in the twenty-first century

in the 1970s

In – text references

Single author: (Brown 2001)

Single author quotation (Brown 2001: 559)

Multiple authors: (Brown et al.)

Author repeat reference: Brown (2001) argues that...

The reference list

Surnames in alphabetical order

Books: Brown, P. and A. Hesketh. 2004. The Mismanagement of Talent. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Articles: Billet, S. 2009. Realising the educational worth of integrating work experiences in higher education. Studies in Higher Education 34: 827-843.

Multiple author  references:

Sechzer, J.A., S.M. Pfaffilin, F.L. Denmark, A. Griffin, and S.J. Blumenthal, eds. 1996. Women and mental health. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Multiple citations:

Wiens, J.A. 1983. Avian community ecology: An iconoclastic view. In Perspectives in ornithology, ed. A.H. Brush and G.A. Clark Jr., 355–403. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.


Internet references: Department for Business Innovation and Skills (DBIS). 2011. Putting Students at the heart of higher education. DBIS.


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