Compass Call for Papers for Special Edition

Student co-creation with internal and external partners at the University of Greenwich  You are invited to submit a proposal for an edited collection of case studies on practice-based learning and student co-creation with internal and external partners to be published on Compass, the UoG peer-reviewed, cross-disciplinary journal.   The collection aims to showcase the wealth of experience and expertise we have developed at Greenwich to shape authentic learning environments with and for our students. The case studies will include student and faculty partnerships with external organisations and community projects as well as other opportunities to enhance educational gains and transferable skills for students.   We welcome contributions from all disciplines and areas of the university, and we particularly encourage the submission of case studies authored by or co-authored with students.    The collection will be curated by Dr Silvia Colaiacomo (ALE) and Sara Gorgoni (GBS).   Background   The flourishing field of co-creation in education represents a transformative paradigm shift that transcends traditional boundaries between students, staff, industry, and the local community, fostering a collaborative ecosystem that enriches the learning experience. Drawing on a foundation of educational literature (Bovill, 2020; Kandiko Howson and Weller, 2016), this special issue seeks to explore and deepen our understanding of the multifaceted dimensions of co-creation across diverse disciplines. Educational research has increasingly emphasised the importance of experiential (Billet, 2011; Lubicz-Nawrocka, T., 2022) and interdisciplinary learning, and co-creation emerges as a catalyst for realizing these ideals. As scholars have investigated models of collaborative learning, cross-disciplinary problem-solving, and the integration of industry perspectives into curricula (Jao, Wiseman, Kobiela, Gonsalves, & Savard, 2018, Tsui et al., 2023; Lubicz-Nawrocka, T. and Bovill, C., 2023.) a compelling narrative has unfolded regarding the potential of co-creation to enhance student engagement, employability, and societal impact (Cook-Sather, A., 2022; Godbold, N., et al. 2022; Potkin, H., 2019). This special issue aims to synthesise existing knowledge, showcase innovative practices, and advance scholarly discourse on ethical, technological, and global considerations, ultimately contributing to the ongoing evolution of co-creation as a pedagogical and community-building strategy.