Reimagining the role of technology in higher education: the new normal and learners’ likes




Pedagogy, blended learning, constructivism, edutainment, technology


The COVID-19 pandemic forced universities to look at teaching provision. As a result, new technologies, an increasing usage of existing online platforms and alternative ways to engage with learners in the classroom, have together become ‘the new normal’. This research aims to answer the questions: how do higher education learners perceive the new role of technology in the classroom? Is technology overload counteracting the potential benefits that blended delivery can offer? In-depth semi-structured interviews with eight students from two seminar groups reveal their positive perception of and continuous interest in the use of technology in the physical and virtual classroom. The study provides examples and recommendations, enabling the effective deployment of technology focusing on three areas: the learner, the facilitator and the technology. Finally, this study makes important contributions to constructivism in the context of technology usage and current and post-pandemic pedagogic practice.

Author Biographies

Katharina Greve, University of Cambridge, University of Greenwich

Dr Katharina Greve is Research Associate at the Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy at the University of Cambridge and Teaching Fellow at the Department of Systems Management and Strategy at the University of Greenwich. Katharina leads research programmes and engages in teaching activities in the innovation management field. She currently is the academic lead for an Innovate UK research programme and is guest editor for a special issue in R&D Management. Katharina’s research is disseminated through academic and practitioner articles, blogs, webinars and podcasts.

Aaron Tan, University of Greenwich

Aaron Tan is a Teaching Fellow at the Department of Systems Management and Strategy at the University of Greenwich.  Aaron leads teaching activities in the field of Entrepreneurship and authored a number of textbooks for the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) on topics relating to contracting and supply chain management.


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