Rocket Science in a Virtual World


  • Barry Spencer Bromley College



eLearning, virtual learning, virtual world, Learning theories


As a partner college of Greenwich University, Bromley College run Foundation Degrees in Software Development and Network Computing, and as part the programme, students complete a major Software Development project in year 1 and 2. The academic year 2014-15has a combined post 18 student cohort of 25 male and 1 female. Within the group there are two students with learning need statements, one for Dyslexia the other with Pervasive Learning Disorder. The theme for the year’s project is Rocket Science, where students are required to produce a desktop program capable of modelling the flight of a single stage rocket and this case study sets out to describe the delivery learning requirements.In education, virtual worlds provide unique learning opportunities, for accurate/real contexts and activities for experiential learning, simulation, modelling of complex scenarios, social interaction, that may not be experienced in other learning modalities (Atkinson, 2009).

Author Biography

Barry Spencer, Bromley College

Lecturer in Software Development Foundation Degree course. E-learning Development Coordinator



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