The early impact of initiatives to close attainment gaps at UCL


  • Rosalind Mary Duhs University College London
  • Julie Evans UCL
  • Paulette Williams UCL
  • Parama Chaudhury



Inclusiveness, attainment gap, widening participation, Educational development, pedagogy, i post colonial higher education


  This article provides an overview of core aspects of efforts to close the black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) attainment gap across University College London (UCL). Although the main ‘Catalyst Student Success’ project focuses on home undergraduate students, at UCL we are also using similar approaches to enhance inclusivity in postgraduate courses. The focus in this paper is nevertheless on undergraduates. The detailed use of student attainment data by the UCL Centre for Teaching and Learning Economics is outlined and discussed to underpin the introduction of the use of UCL’s ‘Inclusive Curriculum Health Check’ (ICHC) – UCL BAME Attainment Project 2018 – as a framework for the initiatives taken by departments. A table with the initial responses from the departments in one faculty is presented and selected points are discussed. The value and potential of the initiatives recommended through the ICHC are explored in a table which links systematic review evidence (Schneider and Preckel, 2017) to the ICHC. Staff actions in partnership with students are designed primarily to have a positive impact on the experience and outcomes of BAME students, but the research evidence suggests that favourable effects will accrue for all students.  

Author Biography

Rosalind Mary Duhs, University College London

Principal Teaching FellowUCL Arena Centre for Research-based EducationUniversity College London


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