Supporting Inclusive Teaching Practice within a UK Further and Higher Education context.


  • Kevin Johnson
  • Tema George



Disability, Inclusive, Adjustments, Evidence, Recommendations


The proportion of students with disabilities in Further and Higher Education has increased by 60% in recent years (Oxford Brookes University, 2014) with the highest rates in creative institutions (University of Leeds, 2015) (Richards and Finnigan, 2015). Students with a disability are less likely to get a good degree (2:1 or above), more likely to perceive their courses as low quality, and have a lower rate of employability than people without disabilities (Disabled Students Sector Leadership Group, 2017). The current research project aims to respond to such findings by supporting teaching staff to cultivate a culture of inclusive practice. This will be achieved by conducting a literature review, internal and external staff interviews, a student survey, and sharing comprehensive findings and recommendations.

Author Biographies

Kevin Johnson

Kevin Johnson works in disability and inclusion in Higher Education and has worked as a Health and Wellbeing Adviser, a qualified talking therapies practitioner, and has post-graduate Psychology training and experience. 

Tema George

Tema George is Senior Study Skills Tutor within student services and has experience of teaching, curriculum development and completed a masters proposal for research in inclusive teaching.


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