Role play as a teaching method to improve student learning experience of a bachelor degree programme in a transnational context: an action research study


  • Zheng Feei Ma University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK; Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China



Business education, role play, pedagogical approach, transnational education


Role play provides additional learning opportunity to students by interacting with other students in classrooms. Modes of delivery in modules for a bachelor degree programme at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool (XJTLU) (a transnational education (TNE) provider) are mainly teacher-led lectures and seminars. Intuitive proactive approach was used in my action research. The modified role play method by Kodotchigova was used. After the role play, a survey with open-ended questions (modified from XJTLU Student Module Feedback Questionnaire) was used to collect the perceptions of students of the role play on their learning experience. A total of 25 students aged ≥18 years (20 females and 5 males) consented to participate. There were 80% of the students who reported that role play helped them to learn and 72% of the students reported that role play stimulated their interest in the module’s subject. In conclusion, role play was a very useful teaching strategy to help students to demonstrate the practical use and apply to real life situations after learning different theoretical perspectives. However, role play might not be suitable to all students because some students might prefer to have it mixed with other teaching strategies in classrooms, particularly in a TNE context.


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