Creating a pathway to employability in a Business School: developing professional practice through collaboration


  • Katherine Leopold University of Greenwich
  • Dawn Reilly



Business Education, collaboration, employability, formative assessment, teamwork,


Within Business Education, our students study technical skills and gain commercial knowledge which will equip them for their future careers.  In addition, our students need to develop the ‘soft skills’ which employers are looking for when they recruit graduates.  To create a pathway to employability, we have used a collaboration between a module leader and a Business School employability consultant to support second year students.  We set out how we have included the consultant in planning and delivering specific topics within the module, and in giving formative feedback to students. In this way we have embedded employability skills in the curriculum and built a relational pathway to the Business School’s careers support for students.

Author Biography

Dawn Reilly

Dawn Reilly joined the University of Greenwich as an accounting lecturer in 2010. Before entering Higher Education, Dawn taught professional qualifications within Further Education.  Dawn has an interest in widening participation, and the impact of programme design and academic support on student performance and employment outcomes.   


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Case Studies