Improving students’ knowledge and skills using an innovative Pecha Kucha presentation assignment in a History of Economic Thought class




Pecha Kucha, PowerPoint, education, history of economic thought, economics education, multimodal teaching


In this article, the author provides motivation in allocating a new formative Pecha Kucha (PK) presentation assignment on one economic school of thought to groups of students in a History of Economic Thought (HET) course. Each group would then post its PK on the Moodle course forum and comment on other PK presentations. The assignment was aimed at engaging students more with technology; in learning on their own, with each other and from each other; in acquiring abstracting skills; in addressing the breadth rather than only the depth of learning; and in making use of the brevity of PK in shortening the long history of economics. The author expounds the advantages and limitations of this assignment in addition to its applicability in other courses.


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