Please don’t put your phones away: the application of learning technology in UK Higher Education, presenting a Framework for Implementation




Higher Education, Best Practice, Tophat, Socrative, Learning Technology Conceptual Implementation Framework


The aim of this research is to identify best practice when adopting new learning technologies in UK higher education. Although technology is widely used in institutions and often has a positive impact on the students’ learning experiences, there is only limited research designed to help lecturers with its implementation. This research presents a critical review and assessment of the practices being incorporated in higher education teaching, learning from both students’ and lecturers’ experiences. The outcome of two case studies are presented where Tophat and Socrative learning technology tools have been used in the classroom. The findings highlight the challenges and best practice.. Based on the case studies and the critical review of other, similar research, a Learning Technology Conceptual Implementation Framework has been developed, which offers guidance on the implementation of learning technology in the classroom.


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