A blended learning approach towards reducing the written communication gap: the role of Self-Regulated Learning dimensions


  • Agnieszka Herdan University of Greenwich
  • Lorenzo Neri Birkbeck Univeristy http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6627-0386
  • Antonella Russo University of Greenwich
  • Elizabeth Warren University of Greenwich




blended learning, self-regulated learning, written communication skills gap


This study analyses the effectiveness of a blended learning strategy, designed to improve the written communication skills of a cohort of Accounting and Finance students. Moore and Morton (2017) stressed that the written communication gap mainly arises due to students’ inability to utilise their writing skills in a dynamic process. Therefore this paper analyses the connection between the self-regulation learning (SRL) strategy, the writing learning process and the blended learning approach. The findings reveal that SRL dimensions play a significant role in the successful application of the blended learning strategy. The dimensions also support the blended approach in enhancing written communications skills among accounting students. The study has relevant and practical implications for promoting the application of a blended learning strategy using SRL successfully. Additionally, our findings offer a learning strategy to address the unresolved skills gap, affecting written communication within Business Schools.


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