The Challenges of using disruptive technologies/innovations in a cyber-landscape


  • Mary Kiernan University of Grenwich



eLearning Retention Computer Supported Colaborative Work


DisruptiveTechnologies was a term coined by Clayton Christensen, in his 1997 book “TheInnovator’s Dilemma”.  Disruptivetechnologies are about new technologies that even though they often lackrefinement and performance unexpectedly replace an established technology.   One example of this is Minecraft which wascreated by Markus Persson through a gaming website for his friends.   “Minecraft is a game about breaking andplacing blocks. At first, people built structures to protect against nocturnalmonsters, but as the game grew players worked together to create wonderful,imaginative things.” (  Thegraphics are not very good and it uses pixelated blocks as building blocks thatyou move around by pressing the cursor keys. However it is very easy to use.  Minecraftis, in essence, an online Lego kit and has effectively taken over the online‘Lego’ market.   Lego did produce theonline Lego Universe.  They listened totheir customers who wanted everything included and Lego produced a high qualityproduct with over 80,000 blocks and contained all of the complexities ofLego.   It did attract enough users andit was withdrawn in 2012.

Author Biography

Mary Kiernan, University of Grenwich

Principal Lecturer, Computing and Information Systems


Anderson, Terry, and Jon Dron. "Three generations of distance education pedagogy." The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 12.3 (2010): 80-97.

Kiernan, M. (2000) Does the medium dictate the message? How 30 minutes changed the perceptions of new on-line conference moderator. ICT in Education 2000 Association for Computer Machinery Vienna

Kiernan, M. (2008) Effective e-Moderation in e-Courses Higher Education Academy e-Learning Conference, Greenwich, June 2008

Kiernan, M., Thomas, P., Woodroffe, M., (2003) Signposts in the Sand. Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education

Valsamidis, T. (2012): "A learner’s experience of a massive open online course" Compass (the Teaching and Learning Journal of the University of Greenwich), vol. 6


