“All the world’s a stage” – the Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) as enabling technology to overcome restrictions in online teaching





Learning Technology, OBS, Open Broadcaster Software, Teaching Online


The Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) Studio is a free software that enables tutors to overcome the typical restrictions of video conferencing software like MS Teams or Zoom. This paper develops from a real-life situation where the pandemic-induced move to online teaching has put severe restrictions on otherwise engaging teaching and student activities – specifically role-plays and use of props - hitherto run in the classroom. The goal is to demonstrate how OBS Studio was set-up and employed to overcome this situation. In doing so, the paper offers a simple set-up tutorial for two scenes against this background to show that using OBS Studio is straightforward and intuitive.

Author Biography

Gerhard Kristandl, University of Greenwich

Dr Gerhard Kristandl joined the University of Greenwich in 2010 and is a Senior Lecturer in Management Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. Before he joined the Department of Accounting & Finance, he worked for Accenture Germany in their Finance and Performance Management practice. Gerhard’s main interest lies in the use and impact of technology-supported learning, teaching, and application in practice. He is also an content creator on YouTube and game streamer on Twitch.


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Case Studies