'Next slide, please': developing students' digital literacy and online collaboration skillsets


  • Dawn Reilly University of Greenwich
  • Katherine Leopold University of Greenwich




Business Education, Employability, Online presentations, Virtual teams


The setting for this case study is a second-year core module for accounting students in the business school of a modern university. We shall explain how we have used authentic, practical online experiences in the module to enhance students' employability. The business school offers a range of activities to support students as they develop the skills they need to make them more employable. In addition, we have brought an employability specialist into the module's teaching team to deliver sessions and, importantly, to make explicit the employability skills embedded in the module. This case study will show how, in an online environment, we have used a technical module on the programme to give students the experience of working in virtual teams. This provides them with an opportunity to develop the skills they will need in their future careers and to be successful in virtual assessment centres.

Author Biographies

Dawn Reilly, University of Greenwich

Associate Professor of Accounting EducationDepartment of Accounting and Finance Business School, University of Greenwich

Katherine Leopold, University of Greenwich

Employability Teaching FellowBusiness School, University of Greenwich


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Case Studies