Low-stakes, VLE intensive, formative approach to maths teaching as a pedagogic strategy for improving assessment outcomes


  • Susan Force University of Greenwich
  • Mark Goss-Sampson University of Greenwich
  • Sarah Harris University of Greenwich




VLE, numeracy, maths, formative assessment, maths anxiety


Functional numeracy skills in the UK workforce have been an issue for at least 20 years and are of mounting concern due to the increasing use of technology in the workplace and the need for mathematical problem solving skills. Surveys reveal anxiety related to maths (MA) has a negative impact on Higher Education (HE) subject choices and subsequent career options. This at a time when Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects, requiring maths and data handling skills, are in high demand globally.This case study relates the journey from discovering the need for maths support in science students to the use of low-stakes, VLE intensive, formative maths support as a means of overcoming MA and improving student outcomes.

Author Biography

Susan Force, University of Greenwich

Science/Life ScienceSenior Lecturer


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Case Studies