You did what at the weekend? - A workshop to develop the digital awareness and understanding of digital footprints amongst primary education studies undergraduates




digital footprint, digital literacy, employability


Digital footprints, which are the records left online through the use of social media such as Twitter and Instagram, are a growing concern for the future employability of undergraduates. This case study explores research the co-creation of a workshop about digital footprints with undergraduates on a Primary Education Studies degree in an English university to protect professional identities. The workshop included a range of activities to help undergraduates learn about the importance of digital footprints, how to check their own digital footprints, explore steps to protect their digital identities on different social networks, and how to curate a positive digital identity. It is argued here that undergraduates need more opportunities to learn about digital footprints.

Author Biography

John Parkin, Anglia Ruskin University

Senior Lecturer PractitiionerSchool of Education and Social Care


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Case Studies