Learning to learn: pathway to practice


  • Laurence Pattacini University of Sheffield
  • Hannah Beard University of Sheffield




students experience, employability, transferable skills, practice


University students need to adapt to the changing demand of professional practices. This concern has informed the development of graduate attributes and pedagogical concepts – such as long-term learning – which inform the curriculum. This paper draws on two research exercises conducted in collaboration with both students and alumni in the field of design, to provide a better understanding of the students' awareness of the transferable skills embedded in their university courses and to determine how relevant these skills might be in professional practice. The students’ and alumni’s voice is key to this research project and exemplified through specific quotes. Critically reflecting on the students’ and alumni’s comments about their journey from student to practitioner enables us to discuss the key skills and capabilities identified, in order to nurture resilience to changes in the workplace and proficiency in ‘learning to learn’: practical knowledge, collaboration, communication and adaptability.

Author Biography

Laurence Pattacini, University of Sheffield

Senior University TeacherDepartment of Landscape


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