A Postgraduate Marketing Programme’s Journey Towards Internationalisation





Internationalisation, virtual exchange, internationalisation at home


Internationalisation has been a significant focus of educational institutions for some time now and yet many institutions are still grappling with the most effective way to achieve it. This case study provides a critical review of steps taken within a marketing postgraduate programme towards internationalisation. Three key steps are outlined here, with a view to sharing lessons learnt at each step: module-level approach, optional virtual exchange and programme-level approach. The paper concludes that internationalisation at home is a more inclusive way forward and that faculty development, use of technology and clearly defined learning outcomes are critical elements in securing effective internationalisation.

Author Biography

Mazia Yassim, University of Greenwich

Dr Mazia Yassim, Greenwich Business School, University of GreenwichDr Yassim is an Associate Professor in Marketing Education and Head of School of the School of Management and Marketing. Dr Yassim’s research interest is primarily on embedding social justice in higher education.


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Case Studies