TESTA@Greenwich - engaging students in feedback and assessment


  • Duncan McKenna University of Greenwich




Student engagement, feedback and assessment


TESTA@Greenwich is a research project looking into assessment and feedback at the University of Greenwich. The central mission of the project is to use both quantitative and qualitative data, collected by students and coming directly from students and staff, to improve assessment and feedback at the programme level.


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Fetcher, A. 2012. Convenient or inconvenient student voice? Connect Vol. 2012:194.

Healy, M (2009) Developing the student as a researcher through the curriculum, in Rust C (ed) Improving Student Learning through the Curriculum, Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford: OCSLD (Jenkins A and Healey M)

HEFCE (2008) Tender for a Study into Student Engagement . Bristol: Higher Education Funding Council for England .

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