Enhancing student understanding through playful learning using Playmobil pro





Playmobil pro, playful learning, exit tickets


A growing body of evidence shows the value of playful learning and using playful approaches such as Lego Serious Play. However, little research has investigated the effectiveness of Playmobil pro to support higher education teaching and learning. This case study investigates how Playmobil pro can be used to support final-year Primary Education Studies undergraduates to deepen understanding through a playful approach. Methods used are the analysis of Playmobil pro representations and exit tickets completed by participants. Playmobil pro supported student understanding by providing a play-learning tool to assist the construction of models in order to create meaning and support rich discussions about concepts. The implications of this research include the potential of Playmobil pro to be a tool used in higher education to support student learning and engagement.

Author Biography

John Parkin, Anglia Ruskin University Peterborough

Senior Lecturer PractitiionerSchool of Education and Social Care


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Case Studies