Food insecurity among students: why does it matter and how should universities address it?




food insecurity, support, health, education, community


Food insecurity (FI) is a major concern, particularly affecting those on low incomes, students included. FI may affect student attendance, engagement and sense of belonging to the university. A short survey about the cost-of-living crisis in a large London widening-participation university received 1090 student responses and these expressed high levels of concern. We contend that universities must help alleviate FI among their students. We accept that offering practical help to students may require significant continuing investment. Utilising existing community support within the context of a mutually beneficial relationship could reduce the burden on institutions and, in exchange, could offer in-kind support to the local community. 

Author Biographies

Kanthan Ravel, Kingston University London

Kanthan Ravel is a recent graduate of the BSc Human Nutrition degree, having gained a First-class Honours degree. He is currently working within healthcare.

Rhea Jayaram, Kingston University London

Rhea Jayaram recently graduated from Kingston University with a First-class Honours degree in Human Nutrition.

Hilda Mary Mulrooney, Kingston University London

Hilda Mulrooney is an Associate Professor in Nutrition, having previously held dietetic posts within the NHS in public health, primary & secondary care. She has worked in higher education for over 20 years, and has a strong interest in developing co-curricular opportunities for students, which allow them to apply their learning and gain experience while at university. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


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