Embracing mindful reading: leveraging technology to soothe sensory stress





Mindful reading, Sensory stress, Digital content, Academic reading, Digital literacy


In an increasingly digitized world, technological advancements have transformed information consumption, introducing sensory stress. This review explores mindful reading as a strategy to alleviate this stress and enhance digital reading experiences by integrating technology and mindfulness practices. Mindful reading involves deliberate engagement, derived from mindfulness techniques, offering improved concentration and emotional regulation. Tools like Reader View and digital annotation features can help to reduce sensory strain and enhance readability. Educators play a vital role in supporting mindful reading by providing tailored resources for navigating digital formats and fostering reflective learning approaches. This review calls for further research on this topic to build our understanding of how to create a balanced coexistence between technology and human well-being in reading.

Author Biography

Nayiri Keshishi, University of Surrey

Nayiri Keshishi is a Senior Lecturer in Learning Development with over nine years’ experience in the design, development, and delivery of engaging learning programmes, focusing on academic and professional skills development. She has an MSc in Occupational & Business Psychology and is also a Senior Fellow of The Higher Education Academy. Her research focuses on how higher education institutions are supporting students to develop the skills and qualities of the Inner Development Goals (IDG) framework, both in the curriculum and via co-curricular activities. These include self-awareness, empathy, communication, intercultural competence, and creativity.


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