Rethinking assessment? Research into the affective impact of higher education grading


  • Neil Currant University of Bedfordshire
  • Liz Bunting University of the Arts London
  • Vikki Hill Queen Margaret University
  • Emily Salines Queen Mary, University of London



Grading, pass/fail, emotion, wellbeing.


Assessment plays a central role in learning in higher education (HE), but often the impact of grading assessment on student motivation, behaviour and wellbeing is insufficiently considered in policy and practice. With the growing concern in the HE sector about student mental health, a consideration of the affective dimension of grading is timely.The discussion in this paper on the affective dimension of grading is based on research conducted during the pandemic on the ‘no-detriment’ implementation of pass/fail assessment at the University of the Arts London (UAL). Qualitative research was undertaken with first-and second-year undergraduate students in the fields of creative arts, design and communication to investigate the effects of the switch from letter grading to pass/fail and student views on grading more generally. Our findings suggest that grading affects student stress, anxiety, learner identity, motivation, student self-expression, creativity, and peer relationships.In the light of our findings, we bring together discourses about assessment, grading and student wellbeing to consider the longer-term implications for assessment practices in a post-pandemic world.

Author Biographies

Neil Currant, University of Bedfordshire

Neil is an Educational Developer with an interest in assessment, belonging, diversity and inclusion. Neil is course leader for the PGCert teaching in higher education at Bedfordshire and a Senior Fellow HEA.

Liz Bunting, University of the Arts London

Liz is an Educational Developer in the Academic Enhancement team at UAL and has an interest in nurturing ecologies of belonging and compassion in Higher Education. She is a Senior Fellow HEA and a recipient of an Advance HE CATE Award 2020.

Vikki Hill, Queen Margaret University

Vikki is a Senior Lecturer in Learning Enhancement and Academic Development. Vikki has over 20 years experience in education and leadership and works with staff and students to develop pedagogy and support equitable outcomes. Much of her academic development practice focuses on compassionate pedagogies, practices and policies. She is a Senior Fellow HEA and a recipient of an Advance HE CATE Award 2020.

Emily Salines, Queen Mary, University of London

Emily is Head of Education Programmes. Emily is an Assessment and Feedback specialist, with a focus on assessment and feedback design to support learning, formative assessment, approaches to feedback, and inclusivity. She is a Senior Fellow HEA and a recipient of an Advance HE CATE Award 2020.


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