Angels in the architecture - and devils in the detail: how the learning space impacts on teaching and learning


  • Jane Challinor Nottingham Trent University



digital skills, eLearning, learning technology, employability, collaborative learning, Scale Up


An innovative classroom design pioneered in the US, which aims to facilitate greater student engagement, has been piloted in a UK University for the first time.  This case study reflects on some of the advantages and the challenges of this technology rich learning space and considers its impact on curriculum design in a module which aims to develop academic, research and digital skills in first year students on an undergraduate Health and Social Care course.

Author Biography

Jane Challinor, Nottingham Trent University

Jane Challinor is a Principal Lecturer and Subject Lead in Health and Social Care at Nottingham Trent University and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Her background is in NHS leadership, counselling and project management, but her current research centres on technology enhanced learning and digital skills.


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