From Prison to Lecture Theatre: Open Book Drop-In Sessions at the University of Greenwich


  • Janice Larkin Access & Widening Participation Unit
  • Fiona Taylor Open Book Project, Goldsmiths College, University of London


Author Biographies

Janice Larkin, Access & Widening Participation Unit

Janice Larkin achieved most of her qualifications from Adult Education and the Open University and was the first member of her family to study for a degree. She recently completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Safeguarding Children at the University of Greenwich.

Fiona Taylor, Open Book Project, Goldsmiths College, University of London

Fiona Taylor achieved her qualifications from the Open University and Dyslexia Action. Having struggled with mental health problems she became a student member of Open Book, moving onto become a study skills tutor and dyslexia tutor for the project. She is passionate about providing education for all and student-centred education.


