Dilemmas in Development Raised by a Teacher Training Project in Cambodia


  • Maggie Gravelle School of Education University of Greenwich




The Cambodian Basic Education and Teacher Training Project (BETT) funded by the Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC) programme and jointly implemented by BTC and the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) includes an Early Literacy Programme (ELP). Being involved, as a consultant, in this development project has raised a number of issues, many of which are common to all such projects and some of which are specific to teacher training.

Author Biography

Maggie Gravelle, School of Education University of Greenwich

Maggie Gravelle began her career as a teacher and later advisory teacher. She moved to the University of Greenwich as a teacher trainer and the current project involves training teacher trainers. Her publications and research interests include EAL and widening participation.


