The BCS Appathon Challenge at Greenwich


  • Cornelia Boldyreff University of Greenwich
  • Yasmine Arafa University of Greenwich
  • Asif Malik Higher Colleges of Technology, Men's College Dubai
  • Andy Wicks University of Greenwich
  • Gillian Windall University of Greenwich



Programming, Mobile Apps, Understanding Apps,


The BCS Appathon set out to engage as many people as possible in the UK during one hour in programming an app for their mobile phones. Just over 50 people took part at Greenwich: students, staff, families and members of the general public. The Appathon's aim was to get participants to develop their own simple app during a one hour highly interactive workshop. The workshop continued on allowing Appathon attendees to work developing apps of their own design. In the concluding session, participants had an opportunity to present their apps in a “show and tell” activity.The success of the Appathon has encouraged staff in the department to think of how it could be employed with first year students who are active smart phone users but find programming difficult and lack confident when starting to learn programming. By putting first year students through the Appathon experience, we hope to create a large pool of student ambassadors who can work with us in taking the Appathon to local schools and using it as a taster event at our open days.

Author Biographies

Cornelia Boldyreff, University of Greenwich

Professor Cornelia Boldyreff lives in Greenwich and is a Visiting Professor at the University of Greenwich in the Department of  Computing and Information Systems.  She was previously the Associate Dean (Research and Enterprise) at the School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering at the University of East London from 2009 - February 2013. Cornelia gained her PhD in Software Engineering from the University of Durham where she worked from 1992; she was a Reader in the Computer Science Department when she left.In 2004 she moved to the University of Lincoln to become the first Professor of Software Engineering at the university, where she co-founded and directed the Centre for Research in Open Source Software.  

Yasmine Arafa, University of Greenwich

Dr Yasmine Arafa is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer and Information Systems at the University of Greenwich.

Asif Malik, Higher Colleges of Technology, Men's College Dubai

Until February 2016, Dr Asif Malik was a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer and Information Systems at the University of Greenwich. His new post is at the Men's College Dubai, Higher Colleges of Technology, in the United Arab Emirates.

Andy Wicks, University of Greenwich

Mr Andy Wicks is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer and Information Systems at the University of Greenwich.

Gillian Windall, University of Greenwich

Ms Gillian Windall is a Principal Lecturer and Short Courses Group Leader in the Department of Computing and Information Systems at the University of Greenwich.


Bateman, K. (2015) ‘BCSWomen hosts Guinness World Record attempt with marathon app-building event.’

Computer Weekly, 16th June 2015. Available at: (Accessed: 22 April 2016).

BCS Royal Charter (1984) Available at: (Accessed: 22 April 2016).

BCS Student Chapters webpage. Available at: (Accessed: 22 April 2016).

Dee, H. (2015a) ‘BCSWomen Appinentor Family Fun day workshop.’ Available at: (Accessed: 22 April 2016).

Dee, H.( 2015b) ‘Train the trainers.’ [exercises and videos] Available at: (Accessed: 22 April 2016).

Dee, H. (2015c) ‘Android Programming “Family Fun Day” using AppInventor.’ Available at: (Accessed: 22 April 2016).

Greenwich Connect Blog. Available at: (Accessed: 22 April 2016)

MIT App Inventor “About Us” webpage. (2012-2015) Available at: (Accessed: 22 April 2016).

Scratch webpage. [Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab.] Available at: (Accessed: 22 April 2016).

Video Record of the BCSWomen Appathon at the University of Greenwich on 13 June 2015 (2015) Recorded by Taylor, Conrad. Available at: (Accessed: 22 April 2016).

Wicks, A. (2014) Why is programming hard? [Series of videos on YouTube.] Part 1 available at: (Accessed: 22 April 2016).


