Editors' Introduction


  • Simon Walker Head of Educational Development The University of Greenwich
  • Patrick Ainley Ainley School of Education & Training University of Greenwich
  • Ian McNay School of Education & Training University of Greenwich
  • Wendy Cealey Harrison Head of Learning & Quality Unit University of Greenwich



Author Biography

Simon Walker, Head of Educational Development The University of Greenwich

I am Head of the Educational Development Unit at the University of Greenwich where I’m responsible for a wide range of cross-university strategic enhancement-driven projects.  Our cross-university research eCentre support a number of active e-learning research clusters and hosts the Academic Practice and Technology (APT) conference, now in its tenth year. This event has helped to establish technology-enhanced learning as a major focus for teaching and learning research and activity, and position the University of Greenwich on the regional, national, and international conference circuit. My research lies mainly in the development and evaluation of learning design. I have presented keynote presentations, papers and workshops on this subject throughout the world and supervise/examine PHD students in these areas. In addition to internal change management projects, I have also led a number of nationally funded technology–enhanced learning projects. I am very excited by our new Digital Literacy in Higher Education project in 2011, funded as part of a national programme, which aims to explore the student experience of transition in undergraduate programmes within the context of emerging practices in a digital age. I was awarded a Higher Education Academy (HEA) National Teaching Fellowship for work in the UK and internationally in 2006. I was a co-founder of Compass; The Journal of Learning & Teaching at the University of Greenwich and now sit on its advisory board. I am responsible for the annual university’s Learning Teaching & Assessment, and e-Learning conferences. A keen cyclist, I lead the university’s Bicycle Users Group.


