E-teaching as companion to e-learning; supporting digital pedagogies and practice in higher education


  • Sue Watling University of Hull




Education, technology enhanced learning, digital pedagogy, VLE, e-teaching


This paper seeks to shed light on the hitherto under-researched area of the relationships academics have with their VLE, in particular with regard to reluctance or resistance to move from face-to-face to online practice. While the sector has invested into inquiry around the aspirations and motivations of the digital student (JISC, 2009), the day-to-day digital interactions of staff who teach and support learning, in particular those without technology expertise or natural digital inclinations, have largely gone unrecorded. This paper offers some preliminary findings of a three year action research project investigating attitudes towards virtual learning though a teacher-education lens rather than a traditional technology-training one. Findings have been converted into advice for academics looking to make the shift from face-to-face to e-teaching practice and can be usefully positioned alongside what is already known about the student experience of e-learning. 

Author Biography

Sue Watling, University of Hull

Academic Advisor for Technology Enhanced Learning Learning Enhancement and Academic Practice Directorate


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