Movies in the Classroom: Lessons for Curriculum Design


  • Jim Gritton University of the West of England
  • Jill Stewart University of Greenwich
  • Charlotte Jeavons University of Greenwich
  • Nevin Mehmet University of Greenwich
  • Vincent La Placa University of Greenwich



Public Health, Wellbeing, Leadership, Cinema, Pedagogy, Curriculum Design


There is a burgeoning body of literature (Johnson and Jackson 2005; Cornett, 2006; Jensen and Curtis, 2008; Smith, 2009; Edwards et al, 2015) which suggests that, by incorporating into our teaching the humanities, including film, we can enhance the learning experience of our students and help lay the foundations for greater sensitivity, understanding and empathy, as well as make the learning more ‘real’.

Author Biographies

Jim Gritton, University of the West of England

Previously Deputy Head of the Department of Psychology, Social Work and Counselling in the Faculty of Education and Health at the University of Greenwich.

Jill Stewart, University of Greenwich

Senior LecturerDepartment of Psychology, Social Work and CounsellingFaculty of Education and Health

Charlotte Jeavons, University of Greenwich

Senior LecturerDepartment of Psychology, Social Work and CounsellingFaculty of Education and Health

Nevin Mehmet, University of Greenwich

Senior LecturerDepartment of Psychology, Social Work and CounsellingFaculty of Education and Health

Vincent La Placa, University of Greenwich

Senior LecturerDepartment of Psychology, Social Work and CounsellingFaculty of Education and Health


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