Peer Observation of Teaching in E-learning environments in UK Universities


  • Zeynep Kacmaz University of London



Peer observation of teaching, e-learning, online learning, best practice, continuous professional development


Peer observation of teaching (POT) is presented as a valuable mechanism allowing for the dissemination of ‘best practice’ within university teaching. With the rapid rise of online learning courses, it could be expected that POT would be extended to the online environment. In practice, however, it appears that this development is inconsistent. Likewise, there has been little research into the experiences of teachers of online teaching, with research focused more on the technological aspects than on the delivery of teaching. Using a document analysis of a sample of UK universities and interviews with academics to assess a cross section of current institutional practice, this paper explores the intersection between POT and the online delivery of teaching and learning. The findings indicate that POT has not yet become a standard evaluative and/or developmental process in e-learning environments, although some universities do implement it within their CPD or teacher training programmes.

Author Biography

Zeynep Kacmaz, University of London

Zeynep Kacmaz works as a tutor and assessor for distance learning programmes at the University of London. She has lectured in various universities in Turkey and the UK in various finance and international business subjects. Her research interests include sustainable education, sustainable urban development, green banking, FDI and country risk.


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