Southampton Feedback Champions: Students and staff improving feedback together, University of Southampton


  • Laurence Georgin University of Southampton
  • Kristina Stuart University of the West Indies: Cavehill
  • Rebecca Wainwright University of Southampton
  • Rameesha Anwar University of Southampton
  • Abisola Tina Hammed University of Southampton



Feedback, Assessment, Employability


This case study is about a project undertaken in 2014-2015 at the University of Southampton by Laurence Georgin and 27 students. The Southampton Feedback Champions project aimed to explore the creation, collection and application of feedback in a full range of contexts through a variety of tools and mechanisms with the potential to enhance good feedback practices. Students were employed as Southampton Feedback Champions to collect and develop further examples of good feedback practice as identified by Southampton students and staff. SFCs were at the heart of the project and took on roles as researchers, project managers, communication officers, and conference organisers and speakers. The outcomes from the project range from a better understanding of the feedback-related issues to the creation of staff and students resources, which aim to improve feedback understanding, its delivery and its potential within the higher education context. 

Author Biographies

Laurence Georgin, University of Southampton

Modern Languages (LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies), Senior Academic Coordinator & Enterprise Fellow

Kristina Stuart, University of the West Indies: Cavehill

Part-Time Tutor, Department of Government, Sociology & Socialwork.

Rebecca Wainwright, University of Southampton

Biology Student, University of Southampton

Rameesha Anwar, University of Southampton

Medicine Student, University of Southampton

Abisola Tina Hammed, University of Southampton

Mathematics Student, University of Southampton.


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