Embedding TEL in an initial course in Teaching & Learning in HE: a co-design approach


  • Francesca Robinson RHUL




teacher education, technology-enhanced-learning, social web tools, curriculum co-design


This research project explored how best to embed the use of social web tools in an initial teacher education programme by involving participants in the design process. A mixed-methods approach was used to find out participants’ experience of participatory learning using social web tools and interest in learning more about their use in higher education as part of the course. It also sought out participants’ preferred ways of learning and levels of interest in giving and receiving peer support. Results indicate that overall many participants have experience of using a range of social web tools as students, professionally or for personal use. The social web tools most participants selected to learn more about were cloud-based software for creating slides and topic curation tools and the least popular choices were video and podcast creation for courses or as assignments for students. Although participants expressed interest in a range of ways of learning, using the technology as part of a session and reading a bi-monthly newsletter were the most popular means. A proposal for introducing social web tools into the programme was made following on from the findings and the activities have been reviewed and adapted as part of an ongoing process.

Author Biography

Francesca Robinson, RHUL

Francesca Robinson works in the educational development team at Royal Holloway. She has a background of teaching and teacher education in FE. Her main research interests are inclusive & participatory curriculum design and critical reflection in teacher education. 


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