A practical case study exploring how flipped learning affects the development of problem solving skills in two different disciplines
Active Learning, Flipped Classroom, Problem Solving Skills, Student Centred Learning, Facilitator,Abstract
This study explores how a flipped learning pedagogy was introduced to two separate student groups, within different disciplines, law and computing and compares the findings that have begun to emerge in relation to the development of a range of skills in particular the development of problem solving skills. Analytical and problem solving skills are not only the key skills for both law students and computing students, but are key skills for any graduate. The findings suggest the flipped classroom approach can increase student participation, engagement, supports the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills and promotes deeper levels of learning. The findings also support that this method of teaching and learning encourages the development of independent study skills and provides opportunities for students to develop and practice the core skills required of their discipline. This paper will also explore the perceived challenges and benefits experienced by both students and academics working with a flipped teaching and learning strategy during the academic year 2014/15.References
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