How effective are web 2.0 language learning sites in facilitating language learning?


  • Billy Brick Coventry University



This article discusses the new phenomena of Social Networking Sites (SNSs) for language learning and their implications for higher education. The strengths and weaknesses of these sites are identifi ed and the potential to integrate some of the features of SNSs for language learning into the HE curriculum and the implications of this for educators are also discussed.

Author Biography

Billy Brick, Coventry University

Billy Brick is languages centre manager and principal lecturer in the Department of English and Languages at Coventry University. He teaches multimedia in language teaching and learning to undergraduate students and computer assisted language learning at Master’s degree level and has been involved with numerous JISC/HEA projects including the Coventry on-line Writing Lab (COWL) and the Humbox, an OER project for the humanities. Billy is a member of the Coventry University’s English Language in the Professions and Higher Education (Elphe) research group is a member of ELESIG and sits on the Languages Literature and Area Studies Advisory Group.


