M Level primary mathematics CPD: an identity crisis?


  • Gemma Louise Richardson University of Greenwich




One key outcome of a recent seminal review of primary mathematics was a renewed emphasis on the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for teachers of primary mathematics (Williams, 2008). The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) endorses its importance (Hoyles, 2012) and the current Government emphasises the importance of teacher quality (DfE, 2010). However, a prerequisite for the success of the drive to broaden participation in primary mathematics CPD is the willingness and commitment of individual teachers to enrol on relevant programmes.This study explores barriers and incentives early career primary teachers experience regarding Masters-level primary mathematics CPD relating to their personal and professional identity. Its focus is the teachers’ analyses of their experiences and data was collected through questionnaires and follow-up, in-depth individual interviews. Findings indicate that teachers’ academic identities impact on the uptake of Masters-level primary mathematics CPD and that their personal identities as working family members can be influential. Implications for practice in both primary schools and Higher Education Institutions providing initial teacher education are discussed.

Author Biography

Gemma Louise Richardson, University of Greenwich

Gemma Richardson is a new researcher with an interest in professional development opportunities for new teachers. Gemma had a seven year career as a primary school teacher, teaching in primary schools in London and The Netherlands. She is currently a Senior Lecturer in Primary Education teaching on ITE programmes. She has an MA in Education from the University of Roehampton.


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