The Greenwich Maths Arcade: A Tool For Nurturing The Inquiring Mind


  • Noel-Ann Bradshaw School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences University of Greenwich
  • Steve Lakin School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences University of Greenwich


Author Biographies

Noel-Ann Bradshaw, School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences University of Greenwich

Noel-Ann Bradshaw is a principal lecturer in mathematics and operational research in the School ofComputing & Mathematical Sciences, where she is responsible for the School’s admissions and induction.She is a university associate teaching fellow.

Steve Lakin, School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences University of Greenwich

Steve Lakin is an award-winning senior lecturer in the School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences. Asuccessful author, with a strong interest in student support and development, he is mathematics first yearlead personal tutor and School alumni co-ordinator.


