Law Games – Role Play And Simulation In Teaching Legal Application And Practical Skills: A Case Study


  • Edward Phillips Department of Law & Criminology University of Greenwich


Author Biography

Edward Phillips, Department of Law & Criminology University of Greenwich

Edward Phillips has been interested in the nature of skills teaching in law since the beginning of his career. Hisfirst foray into this area was a 1985 conference paper on the teaching of constitutional law. He has publishedin this area and has frequently presented conference papers for the Association of Law Teachers, the Socio-Legal Studies Association and the Society of Legal Scholars, in the UK as well as abroad. In 1996 he wasawarded an Enterprise in Higher Education grant for a project to utilise mock trials in the teaching of criminallaw, the criminal justice system and legal skills.Most recently, he presented a paper on legal education at the DPR Conference at Plymouth University inSpring 2011. He has also pioneered the use of experiential learning in the Department of Law & Criminologyat Greenwich and has coached students for the national moot and client interviewing competitions. He iscurrently the National Administrator for the Jessup International Law Moot.


