“Online CPD courses: Do they enhance student knowledge?”


  • Scott Malcolm Goudie University of Greenwich




Continuing Professional Development, CPD, Online Courses, Registrants, Professional Bodies



Author Biography

Scott Malcolm Goudie, University of Greenwich

Clinical Education Facilitator - University of Greenwich. After joining Kent Ambulance in 2004 as an Ambulance Technician, Scott undertook an FdSc in Paramedic Sciences at St George's University in 2008 and went on to complete a BSc (Hons) in Professional Practice in Health and Social Care in 2011. Scott became a Clinical Team Leader at South East Coast Ambulance Service from 2013 -2016 and during this time a practice placement educator. Scott gained his Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education in 2017 along with Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. He is currently undertaking a Master's Degree in Education at the University of Greenwich.


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