Kahoot - Game Based Student Response System


  • Gemma M Boden University of Greenwich
  • Lindsay Hart University of Greenwich




Mobile Technology, Student Engagement, In-class Quizzing, Teaching Innovation, Classroom Enhancement



Author Biographies

Gemma M Boden, University of Greenwich

Gemma BodenClinical Education Facilitator, University of Greenwich.BSc, PG Cert, FHEAGemma joined the London Ambulance Service (LAS) in 2004 as an Emergency Medical Technician, and successfully registered as a Paramedic in 2008.  During this time, the bulk of Gemma’s work was spent on a solo fast response vehicle, specialising in high acuity life-threatening calls, as well as supervising new members of staff as a practice placement educator.  In 2014 Gemma went through a selection process to become a Clinical Team Leader, both in field operations and within LAS’s clinical hub.Gemma joined the University of Greenwich’s academic staff in 2016 and teaches within the Adult Nursing & Paramedic Science department.

Lindsay Hart, University of Greenwich

Lindsay HartClinical Education Facilitator - University of Greenwich.FdSc, BSc (Hons), PG Cert, FHEA, MCParaAfter joining Kent Ambulance in 2001 as an Ambulance Technician, Lindsay undertook an FdSc in Paramedic Sciences at St George's University in 2008 and went on to complete a BSc (Hons) in Professional Practice in Health and Social Care in 2011. Lindsay held the position of Clinical Team Leader at South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb) from 2013 -2016 and during this time was also a practice placement educator, a preceptor and a blue light driving assessor.  Before joining the University of Greenwich in 2016, Lindsay worked as a Community Paramedic, predominantly focusing on primary and urgent care.


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