One size doesn’t fit all: rethinking approaches to continuing professional development in technology enhanced learning


  • Martin Compton University of Greenwich
  • Timos Almpanis University of Greenwich



TEL, Technology enhanced learning, CPD, VLE, cloud, elearning


Despite extensive investment, levels of enthusiasm for technology enhanced learning (TEL) are notoriously varied amongst the key stakeholders. A growing body of research shows that TEL is often expected by students and, when used effectively, has a positive impact on engagement and outcomes. Despite this, transmissive models of continuous professional development (CPD) that focus on the technology and systems over the pedagogic underpinnings can feel like a compliance mechanism ripe for resistance. We argue that a more effective approach utilises simpler, cloud based tools to highlight pedagogic approaches and that adaptations in the way CPD happens provide an environment within which exploration, utilisation and even transformation in practice can occur. 

Author Biographies

Martin Compton, University of Greenwich

Senior Lecturer in Teaching, Learning and Professional Development

Timos Almpanis, University of Greenwich

Senior Lecturer in Teaching, Learning and Professional Development


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