The Case Of The Curious And The Confident - The Untold Story Of Changing Teacher Attitudes To E-Learning And “Technology In Action” In The FE Sector


  • Nigel Ecclesfield Learning and Skills Improvement Service
  • Geoff Rebbeck
  • Fred Garnett


Author Biographies

Nigel Ecclesfield, Learning and Skills Improvement Service

Nigel Ecclesfield is a programme manager, JISC advance. Nigel was previously manager for Technology,Research and Evaluation at LSIS, research manager at Becta and has been involved in practitioner research,organisational improvement and other educational research issues in FE settings.

Geoff Rebbeck

Geoff Rebbeck is a fellow at the Institute for Learning and recently working with Thanet College. Geoff hasbeen involved in research and development activity in e-learning, including e-portfolios, learning platformsand new forms of pedagogy.

Fred Garnett

Fred Garnett is a visiting research associate at the London Knowledge Lab and is involved in TLRP-TEL,organisational development and community education, including the development of ambient learningcommunities.




How to Cite

Ecclesfield, N., Rebbeck, G., & Garnett, F. (2013). The Case Of The Curious And The Confident - The Untold Story Of Changing Teacher Attitudes To E-Learning And “Technology In Action” In The FE Sector. Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 3(5).