Lights, camera, action research! Engaging filmmaking students in feedback


  • David Thompson Manchester Metropolitan University



Feedback, assessment, filmmaking, film production, students


This paper is in response to National Student Survey results repeatedly showing dissatisfaction with ‘assessment and feedback’ in our undergraduate film production courses, as well as a genuine interest in how to approach the characteristic indifference and laissez faire attitude of students engaged in filmmaking. It explores how to effectively engage filmmaking students with feedback by them undertaking it themselves, prior to being issued it formally, by me as their tutor. As opposed to a formative exercise, this was exercise was undertaken minutes prior to their ‘live’ summative exercise feedback. The intension was to create autonomous, independent, proactive learners from the start of their degrees. The research identified critiquing without knowing what action to take, as a barrier to students engaging with their feedback and that being able to maintain a distance and perspective from their work, enabled students to take responsibility for themselves. They stated that in order to move on from mistakes, feedback needed to be straight to the point and clear, in order to create an action plan to improve. 

Author Biography

David Thompson, Manchester Metropolitan University

I am the Programme Leader in Filmmaking at Manchester Metroploitan University.I am a writer-director and indie filmmaker of feature film and television comedy-drama. I specialise in micro-budget filmmaking and the creative process of independent film. In the past I have run an art house cinema, written and directed my own feature film, produced on numerous shorts, as well as working in just about every role in every type of different medium in the industry. Working nationally and internationally for companies including Universal Pictures, ABC, BBC, ITV, C4, Film4, Channel 5, Discovery, Al Rayan, Teachers TV, Audi, IKEA, Jet2 and EMI amongst others.Most recently I have presented papers at the Screenwriting Research Network conference and MeCCSA, with my current research interests lying in diversity in filmmaking.  


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