Workshops for subject-specific teachers’ training: A case study for teaching cancer biology


  • Lauren Pecorino University of Greenwich
  • Richard Grose Barts Cancer Institute - a CR-UK Centre of Excellence Queen Mary University of London John Vane Science Centre, Charterhouse Square, London EC1M 6BQ
  • Pinar Uysal-Onganer Dept of Biomedical Sciences University of Westminster London



Cancer Biology, university teaching, subject-specific teacher training, Higher Education Academy


Teachers’ training in higher education institutions widely serves general purposes. However, recent dialogues and research highlight the importance of teachers’ deep understanding of the material being taught and the ways students think about the content as critical components of great teaching. We explored the novelty of providing a one-day workshop entitled, ‘Effective strategies for teaching cancer biology’. The Biochemical Society supported the event and marketed it throughout the UK – not with any targeted level of university teaching experience and attendees therefore ranged from those who had never taught to those at the level of Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. The day included various short talks, the sharing of good practice and the opportunity to experience a demonstration lesson as a student. Twelve out of thirteen who provided feedback had not received previous subject-specific teacher-training. Half of the attendees gave feedback with the highest score out of five, having found the event ‘very valuable’. This experience suggests that subject-specific training may be beneficial and applicable to other subject areas.

Author Biography

Lauren Pecorino, University of Greenwich

Department of Life and Sports Science


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Case Studies