Pecha Kucha or creatively crafting chit chat presentations with concision and precision


  • Karen Smith The University of Greenwich


Author Biography

Karen Smith, The University of Greenwich

A linguist by background (BA in French and Russian; MA in Translation Studies; and a PhD looking at the translation of advertising texts into Russian), I have been working within the field of educational development and higher education research since 2003. My research interests are around the language of higher education policy and practice; internationalisation; and innovative learning and teaching practices. I am co-author of a study guide for undergraduate dissertation students.I have experience teaching on postgraduate certificates in higher education and facilitating educational development workshops. I have taught undergraduate courses on Russian translation, English language and research methods (both in the UK and Hong Kong).I am also a qualified Iyengar yoga teacher.


Klentzin, J.C.; Bounds Paladino, E.; Johnston, B.; Devine, C. (2010) Pecha Kucha: using “lightning talk” in university instruction, Reference Services Review, 38(1) 158 – 167.

Miller Beyer, A. (2011) Improving Student Presentations Pecha Kucha and Just Plain PowerPoint, Teaching of Psychology, 38(2), 122-126.

SHIFT (2012) Inspiring Teachers: Learning and Leading in Academic Practice Call for Papers. Available at: (Accessed 31 October 2012).


