Cross-boundary communities, an alternative vision for academic development


  • Chrissi Nerantzi Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Peter Gossman University of Worcester



Open education, academic development, phenomenography, open education community


This opinion piece presents material derived from a thought piece about the future of academic development and a phenomenographic study in which the collaborative open learning experience was explored within two cross-institutional academic development courses and. The proposition for academic development shared in this article is based on some of the study’s findings around cross-boundary community synthesized with conceptual ideas to present an alternative approach to academic development that connects academic staff, students and the public, diversifies the offer, and turns it into a dynamic practitioner-driven collaboration.

Author Biographies

Chrissi Nerantzi, Manchester Metropolitan University

Academic developer, Principal Lecturer in Academic CPD

Peter Gossman, University of Worcester

Academic developer, PGCLTHE Course Leader, Institute of Education, Centre for Education and Inclusion


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Opinion Pieces