Experiential Learning: the field study trip, a student-centred curriculum.


  • Laurence Pattacini University of Sheffield




experiential learning, active learning, student-centred, co-learning, field study trip


Drawing from student-centered learning theories, this paper identifies key issues related to active participation of students, collaboration and independent learning. It draws from the author’s experience of developing and delivering a student-centered curriculum delivered around a field study trip. It explores approaches to active and experiential learning in Higher Education through the various stages of the curriculum development and the identification of the pedagogical benefits. The student-centered curriculum is part of a professional accredited course in Landscape architecture. The Field study trip is an opportunity to actively explore the topics of study in real settings and to learn through hands on experience, which is essential to form professionals confronted with making places through planning and design. More generally the field study trip module is an opportunity to understand how to practically embed experiential learning approaches in Higher Education.  The paper also discusses the merits of field trip to address some issues related to the learning experience and participation in the context of the internationalisation of the students’ cohort.

Author Biography

Laurence Pattacini, University of Sheffield

University TeacherDepartment of Landscape


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