Increasing the interaction time in a lecture by integrating flipped classroom and just-in-time teaching concepts


  • Kamran Arshad University of Greenwich
  • Muhammad Ali Imran University of Surrey



Limited contact time in the traditional lecture structure poses a challenge for the lecturer to select the depth of material covered in the lecture while ensuring complete coverage of the syllabus. In the case of large groups, this also restricts the time that can be dedicated for enquiry based learning and active engagement with the students. This lack of enquiry based learning is cited as one of the main disadvantages of traditional lectures as a teaching strategy (Cashin 1985). Furthermore, due to the diverse learning abilities of the students some concepts are very basic for a subset of the class and they lose their focus if they feel that trivial points are being discussed in a session.

Author Biographies

Kamran Arshad, University of Greenwich

Dr Kamran Arshad is a senior lecturer in Engineering at University of Greenwich. Dr Arshad has more than 80 technical peer-reviewed publications in peer-reviewed journals/conferences and he won 3 best paper awards. He is author of a book titled Radio Wave Propagation Modelling Using Finite Element Method published by Lambert Academic Publishing (Germany) in 2010.

Muhammad Ali Imran, University of Surrey

Dr Muhammad Ali Imran received his M.Sc. (Distinction) and Ph.D. degrees from Imperial College London, UK, in 2002 and 2007, respectively. He is currently a lecturer at the University of Surrey, UK. He is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and supervision of research students. He is a fellow of Higher Education Academy.


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